Lean Into Life

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It’s difficult to admit this

But I became a coach years ago in part because I was avoiding the pain in my Life

I touched the Light offered through coaching and that’s all that I wanted to pursue

(I was being one-sided again 😊)

But I got a wake-up call immediately after I started working with clients as a health coach

I only wanted to help these people achieve their inspiring goals

But the truth is
Some of them were in deep pain

Pain that I now know was part of their journey towards greater health

But at the time this was pain that I didn’t want to acknowledge
That I wasn’t used to holding
That I couldn’t hold

And so I told myself that these were people I wasn’t supposed to work with
That only therapists worked with people in pain
And coaches worked with people who weren’t experiencing it

That you only brought your dreams and aspirations to a coach

Yet as I continued to grow and go deeper into the work
Getting another coaching certification

I finally began opening up to my own deep pain

I had denied it for years
Because I thought that there was something wrong with me because I had experienced so much of it in my short life
That I was different from most “normal” people

And it eventually dawned on me

Even if outwardly we look pulled together and perfect

We all have pain! Each one of us experiences some form of pain!

Because we are all Human

We’ve just been taught to avoid it
Hide it
Deny it
Repress it
Distract ourselves from it by
Over-doing everything

We have creatively come up with infinite ways to avoid the pain of being human

The critical thing we were never taught is to

Meet the pain
Lean into it
Feel it
Penetrate it

Experience it

I always thought my most painful emotions would swallow me up
That I would never get out of them
I’d be stuck

And so I danced around them
Suppressed them
Cheered myself up by buying new shoes when I was in corporate
Or bought into new self-development programs when I was a coach

This thing is

The pain doesn’t shift if you ignore it
It gets pushed into the unconscious

But it’s still there
Affecting us anyway
Even if we’re not conscious of it

For a long time I denied an aspect of what I now see as my shadow—unacknowledged anger that festered in my unconscious as a consequence of unfelt pain and grief and frustration

Until it erupted one day and I physically got hurt as a result

Once we can go into the pain
—not with the purpose of getting rid of it—
But to Live it
Experience it
Integrate it

We can then move through and on

A scar might be there forever where it once was

Because we can’t erase our history

But because we open-heartedly held ourselves in the pain
Steadfastly held the pain itself

We can keep walking this path called Life

While still holding the pain 
And in doing so
We meet Life
In full consciousness
The biggest loving gesture we could ever do for ourselves ✨

We understandably resist pain because it feels safer
More comfortable

But like a dear coach of mine pointed out
If you don’t know what and where the pain is
There’s no possibility of healing  

To heal and grow
We go into the pain

And find out we won’t be destroyed in the process
We won’t get stuck

But we can be reborn, transformed, reconfigured

Yes, it will be painful and most likely messy

And scars may very well be the result

But those scars are now fully part of us
Adding to our strength
And humanity and depth

And once we go into the pain
Feel it
Hold it
Not to become identified with it

The other sacred task is to

Direct our unique Life energy

By creating and holding intentions

Just as if we were constructing a container out of them

Within this container of intention we put

~What we want to create in Life
~What’s important to us
~What we want to stand for in this Life
~The kind of energy we want to infuse into our relationships, our purpose
~How we want to behave in relation to all of that, all of Life

These containers hold, charge and channel our Life energy in the direction we intentionally choose

They help us remember where we want to go and how we want to act

Because that energy is going to go somewhere

If we aren’t consciously moving it
Giving it intent and direction

It’ll go to other places
Even if it flows towards and perpetuates staying stuck in worry or pain

When we learn to hold ourselves
In pain, in pleasure
Amidst the vast and uncertain waves of Life

When we learn to lean into Life

We are empowered to direct our unique energy into what we humans long for at a deeply (conscious or unconscious) level—

A Meaningful Life ⚡️❤️