Uniting Relatedness and Autonomy

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As much as I’ve told myself and others that my Purpose is paramount in my Life

Relationship has been just as important—whether or not I was currently in one

A lot of time over the last few years was spent holding space for old and new wounds experienced in relationships

Leaning into them
Learning from them
Growing from them
Becoming more conscious because of them

And then I articulated that a deep desire and potent facet of my purpose was to hold space for me and others to experience being related to another in a relationship—to fully experience and hold all the joy and pain and connection that gets stirred up in response

While also having autonomy

Which I realize now still felt like an either/or situation

I can either have deep relatedness, stay connected to someone energetically

Or I can go off and do my own thing and not really think about or feel connected to this person

And then I dropped deeper

Into what once again feels like Divine Feminine energy

And I began relating to a word and its resultant energy, that feels more connected than the word Autonomy (which appears now to have been a beautiful stepping stone to the word and energy of something deeper)

This new word/energy is


Having this word/energy/thought form in my mind illuminated what I’ve desired for so long and have not quite penetrated yet

~Being fully, authentically Me in a relationship~

Being related and connected to another

While also standing up for myself
For my depths
My darkness
And light
My quirks
Perceived insufficiencies

To hold space for the aspects of myself that I fear the other won’t like
Or will judge

To hold the “negative” projection of the other within my awareness, just like I’m learning to hold the “positive”

And most importantly doing it

With Compassion—for myself and the other

Because the truth is, I tend to use the word and energy of Autonomy like a sword

I can slash-and-burn if I feel judged, trampled upon, manipulated, or feel as if someone’s trying to control me in an intimate relationship

Which is due in part to my fear of being judged or manipulated or controlled

I can also swing in the other direction and shrink, not stand up for myself, be quiet and ignore “small” misunderstandings or disagreements or hurts that could grow into deep resentments and prevent future intimacy

What Sovereignty brings to a relationship

Is deeply needed, compassionate,
Heart energy

Divine strength to hold it all

The jarring situation
Perceptions and wounds of both people

And also the space and presence and depth to stay connected to our Selves
Our depths
What is true for us

For our growth
Our lessons
Our wounds
Our Humanness
Our values

Sovereignty allows the contexts of both people
And all that messiness and pain and joy

It stands strong in itself
Remembers it’s values and meaning

And communicates with Heart

Not giving in
Or reactively debating
Trying to be right at the cost of a relationship

But connecting
Meeting fully
Leaning in

Creating a new context that honors both

That deepens relatedness
And extends autonomy

It feels like another dimension of Integrity

And it feels like the merging of Masculine (autonomy) and Feminine (relatedness)

As it stands up for each person in a relationship

It coaxes action and communication from the heart

It’s about having the courage and boldness to actual be in-the-moment, Present with someone else—with Heart

And creating space within our hearts to stay connected energetically with this person when we’re not together

Not letting the connection dominate our attention
But letting it settle into the luscious background of attention

Our hearts will not be diminished or become tired by this desire
But energized in its new function

For as a great spiritual teacher once taught

“Your heart is your higher intelligence”

And its electromagnetic energetic field is 5,000 times greater than the brain’s

Sovereignty holds this heart connection
Stays related
While empowering us in our autonomy

Letting us live meaningfully as we open up to experience and live it’s multifaceted (autonomous and related) gifts such as courage, intent, intimacy, clarity, kindness, empathy, knowing, generosity, creativity, loving boldness....

All jewels in the crown of Sovereignty 👑❤️💎🗡


In this video below, I share more about this place, which is a deep growth edge for me ✨

Until next time ✨
Much love,
