The Heart-Opening Rupture of 9/11

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Experiencing 9/11 twenty-years ago reconfigured my world forever

Earlier that pivotal year, I experienced a foundational rupture in the form of an engagement breakup

Which woke me up, jarred me into consciousness

And the deepest pain I can attribute to it was feeling it’s singularity—being the only one around me who was going through that kind of pain

I felt like an outsider in my grief

And so I tried to mask it with smiles and joyful energy

Yet it had cracked me open, softened me, created fertile ground for a deeper awakening...

And then months later, in disbelief and horror, I watched the Twin Towers fall on my computer at work

With all my beloved co-workers

It felt like we were in it together

And I remember driving home that day and

Everything was different

I felt everyone’s heart as I took my usual route

I could feel our shared grief and shock

And mostly I could feel my own heart, as if for the first time

Bursting wide open

I touched the numinous after 9/11 and I felt love flowing through me and a generous, Power

I felt oneness with everyone
Ignited by our shared sorrow and coming together

I was full of light and I respected myself (as if for the first time)

I felt connected

In the ensuing weeks, I fully stayed in that zone of connection

Of shared humanity

I had touched my spiritual core

And I was blessed with the opportunity through my company at the time to volunteer a couple of blocks from Ground Zero

Serving food to the front-line workers

Which enabled me to come out of my shy-shell and truly do something at that time that could help and also acknowledge the pain of what had happened

But a few short weeks later

I allowed myself to become seduced in a way back into a somewhat collective unconsciousness

Feeling unable to stay ~at that time~ in that zone of hurt
Of opening
Of growing consciousness
Of courage


And yet

That pivotal time, 20 years ago

Planted a seed deep inside me


The awakening that happened could never be fully extinguished

And subsequent life ruptures continued to lead me into greater awareness, compassion, connection, humanity

Into Life

It set the foundation deep inside me

To feel the connection that we all have with each other

To do something in this world that has meaning

To act with kindness in spite of our inner and outer differences

It led me to where I walk now

As I go deeply into a helping vocation

May the rupture that was 9/11 continue to ripple out into re-awakening and re-connection and remembering our shared humanity

Much love to you all 🙏🏻❤️