Letting Life Be Our Teacher

This week I began the second-to-last semester in my grad school program in clinical mental health counseling + rehabilitation counseling

After a break (following summer semester) that was not nearly long enough 😬

This journey keeps surprising me with its depth of challenges

It feels like a deeper or more potent version of what I experienced 10 years ago

When I was engaging with divorce, my mom’s illness and impending death, and clinging to an increasingly stressful corporate job by the skin of my teeth

I was stretched beyond thin back then

As I watched challenge after challenge line up before me

In the years that have unfolded since then, I’ve learned to learn from my ruptures, to hold the ensuing trauma

To surrender to Life

And so, the challenges that I experience now feel like lessons delivered directly from Life

And I practice opening to them, trusting them and

Listening to Life

And what It’s trying to teach me

But I’m still human 😊

and I find myself pondering these challenges incredulously and at times anxiously

I find myself surprised and infuriated by them

And I have thoughts that some of them feel random and downright unnecessary

And then I come back to my Center

I feel the responsibility of this path and the heart-knowing that everything I experience and move through can be for my highest growth and learning, and that of others

And I remember two potently wise phrases (and books) by beloved spiritual teachers:

That “everything is here to help you” (Matt Kahn)

And “what’s in the way IS the way” (Mary O’Malley)

And so, I prepare to plunge yet again into deep learning—as I also meet those additional challenges

While striving to live my value of Excellence

As a way to learn fully and commit to my continued healing and growth

And that of everyone I come into contact with ❤️✨