Giving Birth to the New

As I continue to grow and follow my soul path, no matter the context or unanticipated twists and turns

I look back on the past year and what I’ve learned

With the intention of letting it go and opening to receiving the gifts of this newly birthed year…

I learned to trust the power of my mind and my dedication to using my master’s program to grow and learn to be a counselor of skill and integrity

To be kind and hold space for others even if I didn’t agree with them

I continued to unhook from adoration and rejection and moved through the year connected to my humanity and my values of connection, excellence, integrity

I learned to relax in between semesters
And truly treat myself and take a break!

I grew in consciousness and courage as
I faced a thing that was causing fear and dissipation
And I held space for myself in this fear, I zeroed in on all facets of it
And remedied them all
So that this “unpleasant thing” was experienced as easeful, connecting, and pleasant

I began to mourn and release my old Life of early morning and afternoon self-development and schoolwork
For the external structure of practicum/internship and an eventual job in the counseling field

I became aware of how much I hunger to be mothered and how I compensate for that in unhelpful ways
And I began Mothering myself

I felt waves of gratitude for a relationship that shifted yet stayed connected
As I got to mine its gifts
And realize that being triggered by it has enabled my relational growth and healing

And I learned to honor and stand strong in my continual unfolding since embarking on and continuing to walk the unconventional path of a helper over the last several years …

No matter how the path shifts
I surrender to it
And trust it’s all in service of my values of leaving the world a better place for me having been in it ✨

And in this New year
I continue to open to Life and
Discipline myself to get the most out of it
And all my learning experiences

And I purposefully set the intentions
To honor my desires of integrity, consciousness, and care towards others while acting with loving boldness in my interactions with them

To lovingly and joyfully Expand into the Woman I came here to be 👑

To Unfurl my Power

To stand out, take my place in the world—not from ego—but from a place of divine power to make this world a better place and Light the Way

To counsel/facilitate in full, competent power, while remaining unattached to the outcome and my role in it

To act as if my Internship process this semester was perfectly chosen for my highest growth, wellbeing and pleasure
And create powerful change within it

To experience that everything is happening For me

To Love unbound

To feel Life from my Heart and live from it

To connect with my spiritual energy source and let it bathe me in protection, rejuvenation, health, healing, youth, and resolve

To find pleasure in a 9 to 5 workday and its challenges

To experience joy, connection, and pleasure in my relationships

To gift myself Self Care and live it

To walk with presence and purpose

To hold space for healing and transformation for myself and others

To grow in counseling knowledge and skills

To continue becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable

To continue creating my Soul Family and revel in my connection with them

To age with depth, Grace, youthfulness, and Beauty-that-comes-from-within as I approach 50 and beyond

The theme of this year of my Life is to ✨Live Lovingly Bold✨ 🙌🏻✨👑💃🏻

May you also realize your growth from 2022, release the learning, and become aware of and Live your intentions to your highest abilities in this blessed New Year 🙌🏻🙏🏻❤️