Uniting Sacredness and Sexuality ( + Video + Free Event)

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Years ago, in the days immediately following my mom’s passing

My therapist at the time gave me a book that accelerated the transition I was going through

It blew open a door to something new

And woke up within me the deep instinct and desire to experience sacredness in sexuality

Rousing me far deeper than stories of sentimental romance or erotica ever could 

That book was The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley

And I vividly remember reading a big portion of it powerfully and primally by candlelight,
in the midst of a days-long, Superstorm Sandy power outage

The part that reconfigured my world was reading about Morgaine, the heroine, entering the ritual of the Great Rite with a young (not-yet-King) Arthur during a Beltane celebration

The Great Rite, as I’ve endeavored to understand it, was the ritual of entering into sacred sex, thereby uniting the masculine and feminine, sexuality and spirituality, in honor of the Goddess and to ensure the fertility of the land

It’s dawned on me, all these years later, that I have not been the same since reading that book

And it unconsciously influenced and guided my journey in Life

Because through reading it, I woke up to what is deeply meaningful to me and what I wanted to experience in this Lifetime, what I ultimately wanted to wake others up to experience also

—Despite there being no easily-found cultural teachings and supports to nurture this desire—

Nonetheless, it blew open my world because it connected me to the Goddess

And it led me to what my Soul already knew

That sexuality and spirituality are not separate

Since September I’ve been creating experiences that honor the eight holidays of the Wheel of the Year

These holidays pay homage to the annual cycle of Nature’s ever-changing seasons

And we’re quickly approaching the holiday that I read about all those years ago in The Mists of Avalon—Beltane

To celebrate this holi-day and honor the deep awakening I had regarding Sacred Sexuality, I’ve created a free event for Sisters

Which will be held over Zoom next Thursday, April 29 at 7pm EST

It’s called Honoring and Embodying the Goddess—Uniting Sacredness and Sexuality ✨🔥

In this free event we’ll:

~Discover (or re-discover) the Goddess and Her qualities

~Notice and hold our wounds related to both sexuality and spirituality

~Learn how embodying and uniting our sacredness and sexuality honors the Goddess

~Explore another union that’s created in sacred sexuality—the union of the Masculine and Feminine

~Experience a ritual to integrate this learning and to honor and activate the Goddess within us

Sisters, I hope you’ll join me over Zoom on Thursday, April 29 at 7pm EST ❤️

As we continue to awaken during this potent time, and as we celebrate and honor vibrant, ever-unfolding, instinctual Nature

Of which we are an inseparable part ✨❤️💦🙏🏻🌺🔥🌳🦋

**Click here to get more details, and reserve a spot in the experience and get the Zoom call-in details**


In this video below I share why honoring the Goddess and sacred sexuality has deep meaning for me

I hope to see you in the event experience!

Much love to you 🙏🏻♥️

~~And while this particular experience is for women, my work in the area of sacred sexuality includes men as well



I'm a coach and facilitator of self-empowerment. I specialize in working with those who have experienced Life ruptures (heart-wrenching breakup, job loss, death) and we work together to grow through these ruptures and to create deep intimacy with a partner, a purpose and ourselves

We do this by learning to hold it all—to have deep intimacy with ourselves by holding our shadow and light, masculine and feminine, sacredness and sexuality, with a partner by living our desires for autonomy as well as connection and with purpose by also honoring ecstasy and play and fun