About Me 2020 LM.jpeg

The pain and upheaval of Rupture helped me give birth to an ever-expanding, passionate and vital Life.

11 years ago, a man who I was married to at the time said to me with warmth, compassion and sorrow “we should end the marriage.”

Those words shook a conditioned and programmed foundation and loosened my grip on what I thought my life should be about.

In response, I started to take up a new path, one that I was more consciously creating and which demanded that I awaken the sleeping Masculine part of myself in order to leave the marriage—for when push came to shove, it was actually I who wanted to be free.

My Masculine in turn woke me up and kindled the deep desire to live my unique Purpose—whatever that was.

In the meantime, my Masculine—all at the same time—handled the divorce, the selling of a beloved property, maintaining a stressful corporate job and taking care of my mom, a kindred spirit who was sick and getting sicker.

This potent time also gave birth to seedlings of the Feminine in me, who desired a relationship that was filled with true connection and intimacy.

I held these desires for purpose and partnership in my heart as I continued to move forward.

And then another rupture occurred which ensured that I’d never walk a well-trodden road again. My mom died in the midst of complications from M.S. and ovarian cancer.

It felt as if a part of me transitioned right along with her that day, and somehow space was created for a deeper part of myself to come in.

In the aftermath of her passing, I felt a strong calling to write a tribute to her and deliver it at the funeral.

Surely this was the work of the higher part of me that had come in, as the part of me that liked to stay small would never have agreed to do this!

I felt high, buzzy, connected energy and I cried from the depths of my soul as I wrote potent and poetic words in devotion to her. And I felt true connection and love as I delivered them.

This tribute foreshadowed what I would go on to create as a poet and writer and delivery of the tribute hinted at the connection that I would co-create as I intimately coached others.

I persistently created my own path from then-on.

Months later I was instantly called to become a health coach, something I didn’t know existed until the moment I found it. 

While earning my health coaching certificate, I quit my corporate job, not knowing what that would really mean for me and the future. I just followed the strong calling.

It soon became clear that my coaching work was to become much deeper than eating healthy food and caring for the physical body.

And so I earned another coaching certification, while I continued to open and deepen in experience and knowledge of spiritual and pragmatic practices, all in the service of living a full, vital Life—for myself, and others. This includes discovering and integrating into my work Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), which profoundly encapsulates everything I've learned on my years long journey of therapy, coaching and spiritual practices.

Through this work, I’ve learned to hold myself fully in the midst of any obstacle that emerges, while discovering that in this Lifetime I am meant to live my value of Courage in order to take care of myself on all levels, to create deep intimacy in all relationships, and to leave this world a better place for me having been in it.

After years of doing and living this deep work, it became shockingly clear that my rocky, ruptured path and past—that Life—is always trustable.

It dawned on me that my Life’s work and what I’m called to live, to experience and to teach others is

How to expand into the person

Who’s having it all

Who’s creating deep intimacy with a partner, a purpose and themselves  ✨

And as I continue to expand into the woman who’s having all of that

I give endless gratitude

For the ruptures
For my expanding awareness
For my surrender in opening to every inch of the fullness of Life
For the gift of being able to Live, to create, to love, to grieve and to play

In full Trust
Of this intelligent and benevolent force called
Life 🙏🏻❤️


I’m so honored that you’ve peeked in on my journey of mining Life gold from rupture

If you’d like to continue the journey with me, join my newsletter at the bottom of this page and you’ll also receive my free ebook entitled Having It All—Creating Deep Intimacy With a Partner, a Purpose, and Yourself.

Much love to you 💕🙏🏻