A First Time for Many Things

A First Time for Many Things.jpg

As I continue to heal and grow
I realize my learning to let go began many years ago,

As I witnessed a college boyfriend surrender to his feelings for me

But before moving into this
I also noticed that I experienced many other firsts during this time

I recognize now that he was the first man to project his inner Gold (divinity, potential, depth, hidden qualities, inner feminine) onto me

Putting me up on a pedestal
Idolizing me

Treating me like a goddess
A perfect woman

Being enamored with how I could, in his words, “party hard, and more importantly, study hard” and graduate college (something he hadn’t been able to do) ...with a pretty impressive GPA to boot

He truly loved me up and
Puffed me up
And didn’t see my humanness

He’s also the first one to tell me he was “falling” for me

Creating a curiously intense mixture of pleasure and pain within me

Something I still feel when I’m in the early stages of “falling” for someone

Those opposites are definitely intertwined in my experience

Which beautifully acknowledges the fragility and impermanence of romantic love

He was also immensely vulnerable...another first I experienced (with a man, or anyone really), which cracked open my heart, causing me to start “falling” for him too

In his vulnerability he shared how he felt about me and almost seemed out of control about it

And then I remember a moment when he told me he had listened to the Beatles song ‘Hey Jude’

And that it helped him come to terms with his feelings about me

I notice now that this song instructed him in how to let go
To surrender to this situation with me

The words in the song that stand out are

“The minute you let her under your skin,
Then you begin to make it better.”

He was using the song to surrender

To move into it
To feel it all
Face it all
The out-of-control-ness
The pain and the pleasure ✨

He eventually moved through those romantic feelings and on with his Life

And I got to experience for the first time
Sharp fury at the unanticipated removal of affection

But ultimately, I wasn’t able to surrender to the pain of the breakup at that time

I didn’t really know how to do it
Or that I was supposed to

I honestly still didn’t know how to truly feel painful feelings

Especially heartbreak and grief

Let alone move through them

And so, I suffered through the pain of his withdrawal of “love”
His attention

It created a deep wound inside
Filled with anger and hurt and resentment
And words like “I’m not good enough” danced around in my head

(While outwardly I appeared cool and unaffected by the breakup)

These wounds would be triggered in the future when I re-experienced (more than once) being put up on a pedestal by someone, then removed from it and subsequently that person ending the relationship

But as I’ve experienced more and more intense ruptures—of all kinds
That all ripped open my heart

I’ve learned how to surrender, too
In my own way

As I’ve grown in my ability to
Hold myself

I’ve been learning to

Lean into Life
Into whatever is happening


And everything in between

I’ve learned from the wisdom of the great David Deida

To “remain as Love in the midst of adoration or rejection”

Woah 🤯 (that was my exact reaction when I first read those words)

Because they can both hook us!

For me at this time this means surrendering to adoration (being put on a pedestal) or rejection (abruptly being removed from it)

To stay deeply connected to myself
Amidst Pleasure
Or pain

To be anchored
To the deepest place inside me
No matter what is happening

To feel the energy of both things without being overwhelmed by their torrents

This has been a sacred intention for me in this powerful year

And I’ve been given a lot of situations in which to practice 😊

I’ve felt the pain of what I’ve perceived as adoration and rejection

But even further

I’ve dialed in profoundly in order to deeply experience the acute pain and astronomical pleasure of this Life

As they swirl and rise, peak, crest and plummet

And I ride those waves 🌊

No matter how messy or violent

And within them
I attempt to remain open and undefended as love

But sometimes all I can manage is to be
Present and embodied as my bitchy-shadow-self 😊

And still
I endeavor, over and over, to be
Open to this-very-moment

Trusting it all

All the vibrant, exquisite, necessary flavors of Life

While going deeper still
As I learn to withdraw my own projections from a man
And move through ephemeral, romantic love
To free us both
To begin experiencing the real Gold

Deep, real, Human Love

Love that honors and holds our unique and also shared humanness 🙏🏻❤️