Do It Veggie-Style. (+ Memorial Day Recipe)

Ok, maybe the title is a little suggestive, but I’m talking about vegetables, not something else.  ;)

It got your attention though, right? I did it because I’m extremely hot for my vegetables and I’ll do what it takes to convince you to become a little obsessed too. Why?

They’re a straightforward way to get the body and skin that you want.

Tell me…. are there really any debates (and there are a TON of debates in nutrition) about the fact that vegetables are good for you?? Not really. They have fiber to fill you up so you don’t eat the bad stuff, phytonutrients to fight cell damage, vitamins and minerals to get your skin glowing and looking younger and if you do it right, they are absolutely deliiiicious. You’ll be hooked.

You do NOT have to be vegan (or a masochist) to get into this.

Vegan’s a bit extreme and let’s be honest, it can be just as unhealthy as eating a bunch of crap processed food. Hell, Oreos can technically be considered vegan, but that doesn’t mean they’re good for you.

But now that we’re on the subjectwhat are the first four letters in vegan anyway?

Which stands for vegetables. Not 10 pieces of fruit, not vegan French toast or coconut bacon (which sounds pretty awesome by the way, but that’s beside the point). Vegetables.

Do you have some rebellious-kid block against eating them?

Get over it!  :) Cut up a veggie. Pour some vinaigrette over it. Eat and enjoy. You’ll want to do again—very soon.

It never hurts to keep it simple.

1.  S l o w l y  start adding them into what you make, starting one meal at a time (put that zucchini in your smoothie—I mean it). Goal: get vegetables into every meal.

2. Or start even easier and make a veggie dish for an upcoming holiday..…

Here’s an easy, non-mayonnaisey coleslaw recipe, just in time for Memorial Day. 

Make it, eat a boatload of it and resist the urge to eat that whole damn bag of Doritos this weekend—you know who you are.   ;)


Non-Mayonnaisey Coleslaw


1/2 medium cabbage, thinly sliced by hand or with a mandolin, or get a bag pre-shredded
1/2 red onion, very thinly sliced
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar (preferably with “the mother”, Braggs is a great brand)
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 tbsp honey
2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp pepper


1. Put the sliced cabbage and onions together in a bowl.
2. In a separate bowl add the vinegar, honey, salt and pepper; whisk in the oil slowly.
3. Add the vinaigrette to the cabbage and onions and stir well to combine.
4. Let sit for at least 1 hour.
5. Enjoy :)

Cabbage and onions both contain sulfur and will make that beautiful skin glow and look younger naturally.


Leave a comment in the box below.

Let me know if you’re going to make the coleslaw recipe this weekend, or some other vegetable. Or just leave a comment about the article.

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How Clothing + Shoes Saved Me

When I was going through an awful divorce and feeling undesirable and weak, sliding on a pair of sky-high heels and tight, skinny jeans made me feel hot, strong and in-charge.

Aside from a few cool and funny dudes, the one thing that kept me sane during the last year at my corporate job was how I dressed (yes, I wore the heels and tight, skinny jeans there too). The atmosphere was so stressful and stifling, but dressing exactly how I wanted gave me such a rush that I almost looked forward to going to work each day. ;) 

They also gave me a protective shield.

It’s NOT superficial.

Despite always loving fashion (hello Barbie dolls), it finally hit me during that tough time how important clothing and shoes are.

As well as protecting and building me up again, they made me feel beautiful and peaceful on my wedding day, gave me the courage to go up to a guy who I thought was hot at a bar and the strength to give my mom’s eulogy.

It can change your life if you let it.

It’s the quickest way to feel however you want—strong, sexy, balanced, pulled-together, professional, sweet, edgy. Then you act accordingly.

The key is not to worry about what other people think.

Because really, who cares what they think?

You know who I’m talking about: the people who stare open-mouthed as you clip-clop by in your fabulous new shoes or short, tight skirt.

Guess what, you’ve just given them permission to dress the way they’re dying to dress as well.

Why this is a great thing?

Because the point of life is to enjoy it.

There’s nothing like wearing something that makes you feel like a million bucks—your interactions will be more real and you’ll be happy.

Let’s try it on.

1. Drop into your body and think about how you want to feel—hot, strong, a bit edgy, cool, whatever. Really feel it.

2. Check out your closet and drawers. Is something there that could make you feel this way? (ex: a brightly colored dress that you never, ever wear).

3. Nothing? Decide if shoes or clothing would fit the bill (or both) and start shopping—online (my favorite choice) or a store.

4. Start small—maybe edgy shoes to wear with a conservative outfit. Or some funky earrings or maybe a badass cuff.

5. Not too trendy, unless you really love it. When I pick things because I connect with them and not just because I saw them in a magazine, my outfits click and I feel the happiest. I’m not copying anyone—I’m being myself, the amped-up version.

6. Wear what your heart desires, ignore the gawkers and smile.

This also one of the best ways to look younger naturally.
When you’re wearing something that feels like who you really are, you’ll glow.

Now tell me.

Have clothes and/or shoes gotten you through a tough time, or just made a night out even better? 

If you’re not doing this already, how would you start—small or all-out?

Or, just leave a comment.

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How To Stay "Hot + Heavy" With Healthy Food

Remember the episode of Seinfeld when Elaine dates a saxophone player? 

In order to keep their dating momentum building, the musician decides to add a new move to his bedroom “repertoire”. Although his attempt ends in spectacular failure (on more than one level) his thinking is right on target for anything in life, particularly eating healthy. 

Let’s try that with whole foods.

You may have enthusiastically hopped on the whole foods (mainly vegetables!) train and gotten energized by how the food makes you look and feel, but unless you add a few new moves to that repertoire, there’s a good chance that you’ll get bored and go back to eating convenient, processed foods that don’t satisfy you and keep you feeling a few pounds heavier than you deserve.

Here’s how to do it:

Let’s keep that energy focused in the right direction by picking up some new moves--aka recipes. The easiest way to do this is to take just a little bit of time and google recipes with ingredients that appeal to you and bookmark them, pin them or print out and save them in a binder.

Here’s what to look for in your search:

1.  Vegetables -- because they are nutrient dense and satisfying. I love cruciferous vegetables (think cauliflower, kale, cabbage, broccoli, collards, Brussels sprouts) because they contain sulfur, which boosts collagen and makes your skin glow. I’m all about natural ways to look younger.

2. Quick – how many ingredients does the recipe contain? If there are any more than say 5 or 6, that could stop you from making it--water, salt and optional ingredients don’t count!

3.  Easy – how many steps are involved? Self-explanatory. I don’t have time to make a complicated vegetable dish complete with a fancy sauce and I’m sure you don’t either.

4. Delicious – do the ingredients seem appealing to you? Remember that sometimes it’s fun to try something a little new or exotic.

Do this next:

-Find at least three recipes using the above criteria and make one this week. Then make the next one the following week and so on….

-Choose a day you’ll make it. Sunday is my day of choice for batch cooking.

-In case you’re having trouble finding recipes, here’s one that I’ve had a little crush on over the last few months—it’s a bit unusual, but still awesome. And easy. The best part is that there’s enough for a few days if only one person is eating it. It contains sulfur-rich cauliflower and onions, which will have you glowing in no time. Also check out the recipe section of my site for other ideas.

Enjoy ;)


Now spill it.

In the comment section below, tell me what kind of recipe(s) you’re going to try and which vegetables you’d like to see featured in this blog in the future.

If you think this post will be helpful to your friends, please share.